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Trip participant and student


OUR Mission and Vision:

To empower children of the jungle so that they can break the cycle of poverty and abuse and share that message of transformation with their family, community, country and world.
Poverty comes in many forms; it can be spiritual, moral, monetary, or physical. In fact, in a person’s life poverty almost never presents itself in one form but is entangled with another and is the result of the direst form of poverty, the poverty of not being in right relationship with the creator God.  
Because the jungle is a developing environment, the people of the jungle not only contend with the first four forms of poverty stated above but they also contend with another form or poverty, intellect. With limited resources and purpose to think, a person has little reason to change, but rather, they will simply do as others say or what they have seen done.
Taking this into consideration, the people of this region are impoverished in many forms, imagine what their children have seen, what they have been told to do, and what they will blindly follow into adulthood. Odds are the cycle will continue.

Our mission is to provide an opportunity for these children to choose to be in right relationship with God, through providing education and thus breaking the stronghold of poverty for all future generations. 


OUr Statement of Faith:
  • We believe in the Bible, that is the Word of God, wholly true and without errors. Scripture is God breathed and useful for teaching, correcting, and for training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16). We declare Gods Word, the Bible, to be complete and sufficient not needing any additions nor does it need support from any other source.

  • We believe in the trinity; Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. There is one God represented in three persons.( John 1:1-3)

  • We believe that Jesus Christ was fully human yet at the same time fully God. That He was virgin born, lived a sinless life, was crucified and that He died and rose from the dead.

  • We believe that all men have fallen short of satisfying God’s standard of righteousness (Rom 3:23) and therefore salvation is through a gift of God’s own righteousness that comes only through Faith in Jesus Christ. Only those who receive Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior are covered by this Grace and therefore have the blessed privilege of living with Him for eternity.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and that He dwells in those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is Gods seal of ownership given to us guaranteeing our place with Him in Heaven (Eph 1:14). We believe that a believer receives the fullness of the Holy Spirit upon salvation.

  • We believe that the Holy Spirit equips the believers with spiritual gifts for the building of the church. He gives us such gifts as He wills and for His purposes and not for our own benefit (Rom 12:3-8).

  • We believe in worship and ministry that has its emphasis on proclaiming the wonders of Christ and exalts God. We believe, as followers of Christ, that we have the privilege and the obligation to proclaim to a fallen world for the glory of God.

Our U.S. Based STAFF 

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Roberto A. Davalos 

Executive Director



Samara Davis

Sponsorship Coordinator




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Tyler Foster

Director of Partnership Development

& Short-Term Teams.



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Laura Cavalenes

Short-term Teams Manager



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Kaylan Foster

Member Services Director



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Isbelis Montilla

Short-term Teams Coordinator



Al McConnell
Eric Sullivan
Harold Voth



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Mignon Fowler
I will guide the ministry towards the mission that has been set as our main purpose, always keeping in mind, Whom we serve, where we are going, what is our purpose, and how we are doing it. The love for Christ, shown by the JKC ministry in the Misahualli area is the main link that motivates me to look at the long run, and to join forces with a wonderful group of Christian friends that are part of the board, to discover what God has in mind for this ministry. Violeta and I love our son Roberto A., our daughter Charmai, and  our three granddaughters. Their decision  to leave everything behind,  go to the jungle in a step of faith, in obedience to what God has commanded them to do, opened a deep tenderness in our hearts that is very difficult to explain. We embrace it by the peace and love that only Jesus can give.​
Roberto J. Davalos

Speaking Board Member

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Curt Holland

Speaking Board Member

Van Stewart

Speaking Board Member 

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Wes Fowler

Speaking Board Member

Our Missionaries

Financial Accountability


501c3 Non-Profit

Jungle Kids for Christ has 501c3 non-profit status in the state of Florida, USA.

Your Giving Statement

Do you need your personal donation statement from JKC? Click the button to email Roberto.

Yearly 990s

Click button for last year's 990 form. Previous 990 forms: 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 20212022

As of September 2024, Jungle Kids for Christ is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Read the official press release.

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